Author Archives: Red Velvet SWAG

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Sorry been back sy wit school. Happy valentines day, presidents day, and all. Follow me on twitter @KimaMarie2


Hi guys sorry I been busy with school and stuff. about S.O. Veuve Noire, that will certainly be continued in the summer, maybe even on spring break.. And The R.V.I. album drops on Christmas. Thanks for all the support! Love ya’ll. BYE

Sweater Weather TAG

Alright, so today I’m doing the sweater weather tag. You all can do it too it’s super fun! Let’s get started.

1. Favorite candle scent

Mine would have to be Leaves, or anything pumpkin-y, cupcake-y

2. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?

I love tea, but to me that is more like a spring thing. Coffee is good, but I would have to say hot chocolate.

3. What is your favorite fall memory?

Hmm… My mind really doesn’t work like that, but my b-day is in fall so yeah!

4. Favorite fall makeup trend: Dark lips or winged eyeliner?

I don’t really wear makeup, but I prefer dark lips because it’s so cute and winged eyeliner is hard.

5. What are you going to be for Halloween?

The Queen of Hearts 🙂

6. Favorite Thanksgiving food?

I really love the sweet potatoes with the marshmallows on top AND the pie of course

7. Hats or scarves?

Hats are cute, but some don’t fit me that well, so I’m going with scarves because they go with everything.

8. Most worn sweater? 

I don’t really have one, but I wear my black and white striped one a lot, or i have a lot of others.

9. Favorite fall nail polish?

I love all the dark reds, or black just goes with everything.

10. Football games or jumping in leaf piles?

Where I live there aren’t that many leaves that fall off the trees.Plus all the leaves get stuck to you. Football games are fun to go to / watch.

11. Skinny jeans or leggings?

Skinny jeans.

12. Combat boots or Uggs?

i don’t really own either. i think I would pick uggs. Hey, I’m still young.

13. Favorite thing(s) about fall?

I think staying in bed when it’s super cold, and snuggling up. Also my birthday, Halloween, haunted houses, and pumpkin pie.

I hope you like this and I hope you will do it too!

Red Velvet Island first CD (lol)

more on this later



Well, for me school has started already 😦

So.. I might not get to post SOVN that often, but I will keep up regular posts, and definatly start Chapter 3 soon.

Secrets of Veuve Noire Ch. 2

What girl has not been taught wrong once, or been told to believe

Or shown something that seemed magic, through eyes that may deceive…

Early morning. Leaving for vacation. Start of an adventure.

Those were all running through Jasmine’s mind that morning. She had already packed and her parents were helping Sarah. They would eat at the cafe Jasmine had found on her laptop.

“Alright, ready to go?” asked her mother as she came in the door.

“Yep! Is everyone else ready?”


Jasmine grabbed her item bag and suitcase and headed out of her room, through the hall, through the kitchen, and out the door. The blimp was waiting for them.

“Woohoo!” yelled Sarah.

Jasmine got in first and helped Sarah up. Then came her mom and dad each carrying 2 suitcases. When they were on her mom said,” Alright, now just one problem. Who knows how to drive this thing?”

“Oh, I can do that,” said her dad.

“Alright, but be careful with those annoying birds!” said Jasmine.

And with that they were off.

In the air…


We all know who that was.

LB responded with simply, ” I’ll buy us a nice breakfast at the cafe.”

Jasmine flattened her bouncy purple skirt and tightened her jacket. The wind was blowing faster than they had ever felt before.  Jasmine, feeling that her hat would blow off, took it off, and a stream of dark red hair came flowing out. She flattened it.

Finally there…

Jasmine looked around at the setting. There was a nice place for breakfast right up ahead, while behind them there was a beautiful museum right by a park. Nice.

“C’mon guys lets eat,” said NP.

“FINALLY!” shouted Sarah.

Vous avez besoin et aider ma ‘ suis ?” asked a random lady after hearing Sarah.

” Sorry we don’t speak french,” said Jasmine.

Ne parler francais?”

” Oui,” said Jasmine.

The kept walking by the park and saw a lot of red chested robins. They got to the internet cafe  right in time for breakfast. Jasmine sat and a table and pulled out her laptop. There she learned that this was an island in France. Then she ordered a croissant and bacon. Sarah ordered a pancake stack, as did LB. Her mom ordered 2 French waffles.

“Well this is nice I hope the hotel opens soon!” said NP.

“It opens at 8:00, and it’s 7:48, so we can go whenever,” Jasmine told her.

She went back to the website just to check. To her surprise the ring she had picked up the other day was a photo on the website. She blinked. It was gone…

In the hotel…

“Wow, this is nice, we each get our own room. Pretty good for a hotel named Moldy Baguette!” said Nice Pigeon after walking into their hotel room. Well, more like rooms.

There were 2 bedrooms, a kitchen/living room, and a bathroom. One bedroom had one bed, and one had two. Jasmine claimed the one with one bed. It was beautiful. The bed, drapery, everything was white, and the bed was comfy. She decided to go out and see what else was there. But first she unpacked. Her favorite white puffy skirt, burnt orange one – shoulder, camera, bathing suit, surfboard, brown jacket, jade colored tube top, hourglass ring…

WAIT! Jasmine froze as she saw it. She hadn’t brought it. Where could it have come from? she had never put it in her suitcase. Huh, oh well.

Now, to go explore..

She would go to the museum later with her family, so she decided to go the other way.

“Where are you going?” asked Nice Pigeon.

“I’m going out to see whats on the island,” she told her.

“Oh can you bring Sarah with you? She keeps complaining about not getting outside. Hah.”

“No, sorry she couldn’t walk all that way! She’d probably start complaining about not having enough rest. I can’t take her. Bye!” And without stopping she rushed out of the suite, down the stairs, and out the door. She walked by the hotel until she came to a street artist painting something.

There was a canvas for anyone passing by, so she decided to draw the ring that kept following her.

Soon as she was finished the young street artist came up and said to her, ” Excuse me, but I think you have my ring.”

Jasmine was taken aback by this, and said, ” You can have it, it’s been creeping me out! I’m Jasmine. I’m here on vacation. How about you?”

” I’m Veuve Noire. I live here. I do all kinds of art.” she said.

“Cool. I wonder if you could teach me?”

” I don’t know, I usually don’t teach people.” she answered.

” Come on please. I can learn a lot from you, and you’re so good! PLEASE??”

“Sure. Alright. Fine. Come here tomorrow at 11:00 and you can have your first lesson. “

 “Alright. I’ll be there. Thanks. Anyways I gotta go. See you tomorrow.!” said Jasmine.

After that she kept walking down the street looking at stuff. Across the street. There, there was a clown store. Mime’s were on each side of it, and some guy was on the roof looking scared. She walked past it deciding to check it out later.

There was a police station, and a coffee shop. Finally she came to what she was looking for. The tunnel tour entrance. There was a lady dressed in green, standing outside.

” Hello, I was wondering if I could buy some tickets?” she asked her.

“Oh, sure how many?”

” Four.”

” Alright. You can pay for it when you take the tour. So you’re a traveler?” she asked.

” Yeah. I’m surprised it’s so cold in summer,” Jasmine told her.

” It’s like that sometimes. It might even snow. Nice time to go to the beach. All frozen. Maybe you and your family could take a boat out,”

“Oh that sounds fun! Anyways I have to go and look around more,” she said.

” Ok. There isn’t much that way. Just a forest. The Inspector lives there.”

” Inspector?” Jasmine asked.

” Veuve Noire. Best inspector in town.” she said it like Duh. She hadn’t told Jasmine that.

” Oh…  Bye!”

FP started walking back towards Moldy Baguette. On the way she stopped in the clown store.

” Bonjour! Welcome to Bobo’s Clown Store. Free balloon with every purchase!” said the girl in the store.

” Hello! I’m not going to buy anything yet, I’m just looking. Thank you,” Jasmine said.

There were balloons, ties, bow ties, wigs, hats, and all sorts of things. But it was almost time for lunch, so Jasmine promised herself she would come back sometime. She still had to check out the park, the woods, the beach, the museum, and a whole bunch of stuff. Luckily she had a whole month.

She walked back home for lunch made by the full kitchen. Nachos… yum. Extra jalapenos.


ok so I noticed I never finished that fairy tail.

So basically the two are fighting and Savanna is winning, but all of a sudden Serafina disappears. Savanna has a weird sense of sadness and one day is walking through the grove and finds the most beautiful flower she has ever seen. But once she touches it she too vanishes and finds herself in the little cottage and sees Serafina there, tied up. Her young self tells her that she wanted both of them to hear this, but Sera has tried to run. Then she tells them this : Savanna’s parents used to rule the kingdom, but were cheated out of it by a witch who wanted nothing but power. Savanna was very young then and used to play with Sera all the time. But when both of their fathers had gone together to defeat the witch, Savanna’s dad save the other’s life. Even then, the witch had put a spell on Serafina’s dad, so he told everyone that it was the other way around. Unfortunately the kingdom was very proud of him and made him king instead. She also tells them they can break the spell using the flower so they do. Then Sera’s dad tells everyone the truth and everything is how it was.

Japanese Chin so cute

I think these dogs are so cute!

Secrets of Veuve Noire ch. 1!!

Once upon a time in an abandoned island called Monster Carnival there lived a family who was the only family there. And Friendly Jasmine Peanut was lonely. Her only friends were Laughing Mandy Clown who was created for the island, and the bear on the bicycle.

“Mom,” asked Jasmine, “Can I meet Mandy tonight?”

“Sure, honey, but be back by 10.00.”

“Thanks, I will,” she replied. She started towards the door, when her little sister Red Sarah Lizard came up to her.

“Sisi can I come with you tonight?” she asked.

Jasmine told her “No sorry you gotta go to bed.”

So Sarah stalked off.

FP grabbed her jacket and her gloves and went out.

Jasmine walked down the street, in the darkness, knowing the way by heart and seeing the carnival lights in the distance. The murky air in the street was blowing in the strong wind that night. Then, finally, she saw the big black gates to the carnival. They opened with a menacing ‘Creek’.She walked to Mandy’s tent and climbed to her window.

“Mandy?” she whispered, “Mandy?”

“Is that you Jasmine?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Jasmine replied.

Mandy climbed out her window and sat next to Jasmine.

“Hey, uh Mandy was it you who called me from a private number asking me to come?” Jasmine asked her.

“Yeah, I called from the phone booth by the carousel because I’m grounded. So be quiet, please.”

“Of course. What do you want to talk about?”

“I need some advice.”

“About what?” asked Jasmine.

‘Sigh’ It’s just that sometimes I feel like my parents have set my destiny in stone. They want me to become a clown for life, and if they decide to open this island, then.. well, I will be,” she said.

Jasmine wasn’t sure what to say to her. She knew it was a hard position to be in, an Mandy really wanted to be a dancer. Finally she told her, ” I think you should try to tell your parents what you want, and if they don’t listen, I’ll fly you to dance school. I might not have a licence but I can still fly you there. The blimp only comes once a week to our house, but that’s no trouble.”

“Thanks, Jasmine you’re the best friend ever. I will try to talk to them first. Now, I had better get back to bed before my parents notice. Bye! See you tomorrow?”

” Yeah, sure. Bye! Oh I almost forgot to tell you, my family is finally thinking of taking a vacation somewhere!”

“Cool, see you!” said Mandy.

“Bye!” said Jasmine and started towards the gates. There she noticed something she had never seen before. It was glowing red, so she went over to see what it was. it seemed to be a ring with a red, glowing stone in the shape of and hourglass. FP put it in her items and didn’t give it much thought.

When she got home, her mom, Nice Miranda Pigeon was waiting for her.

“Want any dessert, honey?” she asked Jasmine.

“No thanks, not tonight, I’m really tired. Hey, has anyone decided where we are going on vacation?”

“No but we should in the morning. I’m sure everyone has their own opinion, and I want everyone to be happy.”

“Okay, goodnight mom,” said Jasmine.

“Goodnight!” and with that Friendly Jasmine Peanut went up to her room and fell asleep like a rock.

“JASMINE!” called Sarah from the kitchen.

Jasmine, only half awake at the time, got up slowly, and went downstairs to breakfast.

She sat down in the bright kitchen, the smell of sausages floating about. Her mom said “Morning sleepy head. You slept for a long time. Its 9:30.”

“Yes, well, I would have slept longer if someone,” she stared at Sarah, ” hadn’t woken me up.”

Right then her dad Loud Phil Bird came into the kitchen. ” Good morning Sarah, good morning Jasmine,” and gave them both a kiss.

“Morning Dad,” said Jasmine.

“Alright,” said her mom when everyone was eating, “Where does everyone want to go on vacation?

” Mythology!” shouted Sarah.

“I’d love to finally go to 24 Carrot,” said her dad.

“I think everyone loves Wild West,” said her mom.

“Well, on Mythology you can meet the Greek gods!” shouted Sarah, still very exited.

Loud Bird added, “On 24 Carrot there are nice farms, plenty of carrots, and there is a place where you can color you hair. They even have a movie theater.”

“But I don’t like carrots,” complained Sarah.

“Guys!” said Jasmine loudly. ” I think that there is a place where everyone would like to go. Counterfeit island has a fancy hotel that you would love, Mom. It also has a tour under the city which has skeletons,” she looked at Sarah, “It has a pretty woods and a dock with boats, Dad. And it has a lot of other cool things!”

Miranda finally said, “That does sound interesting, I think you have a point.”

“Yeah, I’m going on that tour!” Sarah said.

“I think its decided then!” declared Phil. “We’re going to Counterfeit island!”

Thanks for reading this, its my first S.O.V.N. chapter. More is coming later. I hope you liked it. Tell me what you think in the comments! 🙂 PLEASE COMMENT AND READ THIS STORY! oh and this is sticky for a little while.